Fresh Oregano


How to identify differences in the soil

Avacado is one of the best and also healthy fruits. This fruit is always a difficult one to preserve. The maximum preservative time for this fruit is a maximum of 3 days. But here I’m with an innovative idea where you can preserve the avocado maximum of 10-15 days. Yes, it is a freezing method where you can use them directly to your smoothies… Interested let’s go…


Avacado 5 numbersAvacado 5 numbers
Lemon Lemon
Blender Blender
Ice cube TrayIce cube Tray

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How to make it

Step 01

Cut the avacado into two pieces and remove pulp of the avacado gently by using spoon or knife

Step 02

After removing the pulp, take a blender and add the pulp in the blender and start blending it for 2 mins

Step 03

Add the blended portions in the ice cube tray and place the tray in the freezer

Step 04

Onec they are completely freezed you can use required amount your smoothies and and rest you can preserve them

Step 05

Enjoy your smoothie at any time you wish!!!

Food Process


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